Seven Moment - Introduction


You only get one chance to make a great first impression. That old saying is so true.


When we meet someone for the first time, we are on our best behavior for the duration of the event. We're all smiles and friendly and pleasant and polite (at least most of us!). During those few moments (or minutes or possibly hours) when an initial introduction occurs, we're focused and aware of what's occurring around us, and we're focused on the individual we just met. Throughout an introduction, details will be revealed about one person to the other, much like a blind date. The two individuals get to know each by sharing aspects of their lives or personalities.


An introduction in a story is not always about two characters meeting each other for the first time. Most often, an introduction will simply be the first time the reader learns about a character. Whenever an introduction occurs, that's a fantastic time to share information about the new character or share information that relates to the further development of the main plot or any subplot.

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