Seven Moments Screenplay Analysis |
Screenplay Analysis $3,500 (775) 39l-l42l I can analyze your screenplay and provide detailed feedback. Turn around time is 7 to 10 business days. Price is $3,500 for a screenplay up to 120 pages. My input is geared towards a production company that is about to take a screenplay into production (or possibly an actor trying to discern which screenplay to move forward with). _______________________
I've analyzed thousands of movies. I know what excites an audience and what puts an audience to sleep. Please note: I do not provide cover. You can buy cover from hundreds of different online sources for a relatively inexpensive price. The analysis I provide can only be performed by me or by someone who has thoroughly studied the Seven Moments. Production companies: If you have multiple screenplays to choose from, I can help you decide which one is worth your time and money. If you're already moving forward with a particular script, I can definitely help you improve it. Actors: If you're a working actor and you have multiple screenplays to choose from, I can analyze each script and help you choose the one that's going to help your career and not hurt it. I can help you decide which script is worthy of your best efforts. I will do the following for your screenplay:
My analysis is based on how often the Seven Moments occur within your screenplay and how tightly related they are to each other and to the story. The typical "three act structure" is a nice concept but I don't believe it's nearly as important as the Seven Moments. After all, practically every movie that gets produced today follows the traditional three-act structure but only a small percentage are financially successful.
If you would like to read about the Seven Moments, please read The Seven Moments in Storytelling that Really Matter. You can purchase the book on Amazon and view it through your Kindle device or your Kindle viewing software. |